Lily Star Consultancy

Lily Star

Some think that establishing a company in all countries of the world is very difficult during those days, while the procedures for establishing the company with us do not exceed a limited number of days, in addition to the safe investment inside and outside Egypt, where the group provides, within its distinguished services, the service of establishing companies of all kinds.

We help you advance your investments Forward, we establish all kinds of companies inside and outside Egypt for foreigners or Egyptians with obtaining all the necessary licenses and providing the necessary financial, accounting and tax services for your activity before taking any step in establishing your company.


Incorporation is carried out at the highest level of evaluation and selection of the appropriate legal entity for your activity and project according to the laws of each country separately. To obtain all licenses for commercial and industrial activities and post-establishment services, it is provided through an integrated legal team with more than 15 years of experience in the same field.

  • The establishment of companies and all legal transactions for all nationalities.
  • Issuance of the commercial register and tax card.
  • Issuance of the value-added certificate.
  • Opening an account in the bank and obtaining the tax number in the name of the company.
  • Obtaining the residence of an investor outside Egypt.
  • Registering the company’s trademark all over the world.
  • Drafting corporate contracts, association contracts and commercial franchises.
  • Assigning all legal transactions to deal with government agencies at the highest level.